Crux Suraksha Spray Reviews – Be Ready To Fight The Virus

COVID19 has affected human life all over the world. It has completely changed the lifestyle of the people. Social Distancing, Face Masks, Sanitizers, etc. Have become the new normal. Despite using all these health-saving measures, people are still feared of getting affected. COVID has created an alarming fear in everyone’s mind. People are ready to use any safeguards they come to know. But lack of knowledge about the proper use of these precautions is making them affected. But  Are these precautions safe for you? The masks you are using, are they sufficient? So, Here to your health, we got this product named Crux Suraksha Spray.

This product is currently being used in India. This is a complete ayurvedic formulation to make your masks healthier for you. By the use of Crux Spray, your mask not only protects you but also fights the virus. Sanitizers have been used to disinfect the surfaces. And masks are used to prevent inhalation of the virus. But Ban Labs has created this product to make your mask both preventive and disinfectant.

What Is Crux Suraksha Spray?

Crux Suraksha Spray is a complete ayurvedic spray. It is formulated as a disinfectant and nasal spray. This spray comprises 8 magical ayurvedic ingredients possessing a cure to cough, cold, and other ENT problems. You can use the spray on Masks, Handkerchiefs, and Pillow. It has great antiviral and antibacterial properties. It kills 99.9% of the bacteria or virus present on your mask or in your nasal pathway. Its aromatic constituents give you a soothing experience and calm sleep. The use of Crux Suraksha Spray gives you several benefits and leads to a healthy, virus-free life. A single jet spray of Crux Suraksha Spray protects you for nonstop 4 to 6 hours.

The aroma blend also aids in relaxation and mental refreshment. It’s simple to use and carry. It is used to get rid of:

  • Cold
  • Congestion in the nose
  • Sinus
  • Cough caused by allergies
  • Other conditions that are similar

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Ingredients Of Crux Suraksha Spray

Crux Suraksha Spray consists of whole ayurvedic ingredients. That’s why this product is completely free from chemicals and toxins. All these ingredients are derived from plant extracts. These 8 magical ingredients are as follows:

Tulsi Oil

Tulsi has great anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It is a great immune booster too. In Crux Suraksha Spray, tulsi majorly acts as the main disinfecting ingredient.

Lavang Oil

Lavang oil is a great source of antioxidants. It relieves you from stress and gives a calm and soothing experience. It also has antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.


Though all the ingredients used are rich in fragrance, but Kapoor has a medicinal aroma. Its aroma has several medicinal benefits. First, it relieves you from anxiety and stress. Second, it is best to give you a sound sleep.

Nilgiri Oil

Nilgiri oil also has anti-viral properties. It facilitates better respiration and clears the nasal pathway. It refreshes the mind and provides relaxation. In addition, Nilgiri oil provides relief from headaches and sinus infections.


Pudina provides instant relief from cough and cold. It is a natural cooler and provides a cooling sensation to the head region. It also has anti-viral properties. Pudina gives a refreshing fragrance to Crux Suraksha Spray.

Ajwain Oil

Know that Ajwain oil is also used in this product to cure nasal congestion or blocked nose. It comprises Antiviral and Antibacterial properties. In addition, Ajwain oil cleanses the nasal airway passage and provides relief.

Jaiphal Oil

Jaiphal has antibacterial properties. It is even certified as a potent cure for asthma. Jaiphal is even used in toothpaste as it vanishes the bad breath. In addition, it provides relief from headaches and sinuses and cures cough and the common cold.


Cinnamon is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces any kind of inflammation present in the nasal pathway. It cures sore throat, common cold, and cough.

Benefits Of Crux Suraksha Spray

Crux Suraksha Spray has several benefits, along with disinfection. The use of this great product provides you a completely secure and pure inhalation. Let’s have a look over the amazing benefits of Crux Suraksha Spray:

  • It disinfects the face masks and protects against the virus.
  • Its great antibacterial and antiviral properties keep your nasal passage free from viruses.
  • Provides relief from headaches and sinuses.
  • Using it on pillows gives you sound and calm sleep.
  • This spray cures common cold and cough.
  • Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation in the nasal passage.
  • A perfect solution to bad breath all the time.
  • Its aroma gives you a relaxing and calm sensation. It refreshes the mood instantly.
  • It cures stress, anxiety, and nasal congestion.

Use And Mode Of Action Of Crux Suraksha Spray

Crux Suraksha Spray is easy to use and carry. Its smaller size makes it portable or a pocket holder. As it is just a spray, it is very easy to use. You can use it on your face mask, pillows, and handkerchief. First, you have to hold the spray approximately 5 to 7 Cm away from the surface. Then spray it just by pressing the jet.

Crux Suraksha Spray disinfects the mask and provides protection. If used on a handkerchief, it provides relief from common cold and cough, if any. To get a night of better sound sleep, you can spray it on your pillows. A single spray protects you for a continuous 4 to 6 hours.

Price And Availability

Crux Suraksha Spray comes in a pocket-sized, slim plastic bottle with a spray. A single bottle contains 10 ml of the spray. This 10 ml of the product gives you around 200 sprays.

The cost of a single bottle is Rs.125. This price is very pocket-friendly and affordable to all. Also, read here why Indian doctors warn against cow dung as a COVID cure?

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Some Customer Testimonials From Amazon

  • Bought Crux Suraksha Spray and Crux Linctus together. It is very healthy and effective. 10/10 recommend everyone to buy.
  • Ordered this product after reading about it on Twitter and it’s super effective. Crux Linctus took away my cough in less than two days.
  • Very useful spray I started using this on my mask and my allergies are gone I don’t sneeze anymore.
  • Nice product, just breath in and out and you fill relief.


Crux Suraksha Spray increases your protection against the virus. This reduces your chance of getting COVID19. It has got excellent reviews from users. This made-in-India product is of great importance in this COVID times. According to the news, this product will be shortly exported to other foreign countries. Though Ayurveda has proved itself in these COVID times, this spray emerged out as the best. You can use this product and live a secure life ahead. It is going to be a new normal in the upcoming days.

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Saloni Arora

A Blogger, Freelancer, Marketer and passionate to dance with Google, running her own business along with the owner of various websites including ReviewsDRS.

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